Saturday, November 14, 2009

My New Laptop!

I just came home with my new laptop. (Getting a new laptop is as exciting as getting new pads for school used to be! Remember the excitement of an unused, virgin school notebook?)

Now that my friend, Chris Roberts, is helping me embrace social media, and I'm blogging, facebooking, emailing with more vigor and twittering (tweeting?), I needed to have all my computer stuff in one place. Mind you, there are 4 computers in my home already, and there are only 4 of us. So one would think that one of the four computers could be mine alone, right? No, apparently not.

So I went to the Apple store and bought myself a 15" Macbook Pro. I'm very pleased.

Funny thing though. First, I went to the Christmas Tree store to buy things we'll use in the store for decoration. I walked out of the Christmas Tree store with 5 HUGE bags, and a bill for $51. I walked out of the Apple store with one little bag and a bill for much, much more. I think things in life should by priced by size.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that things should be priced by size, and I also think that chairs should be free, but I understand that I'm the only person who feels that way! :)
